Your Face

18 March 2005

Adam Smith's Pro Skater

I've been pondering about why church is so great. Yeah, it is. And I don't go anymore. It's a place which used to, pretty much, force people to get together to hear stuff they could read about in their own time. But it was a bit like forced socialising. Societies were formed from these buildings. People who didn't like one another had to come together, possibly in each other's hopes that they could reconcile their differences, or at least had to tolerate one another. Now, we can just avoid enemies willy nilly. And hang out with friends. But no! We need good and bad in our lives. Like the whole Buddhist way. If we had it all good, we'd start finding fault in the things 'less good' in the things 'more good'.


04 March 2005

Look at me! I'm 'ill'

Okay, I'm not really. Just a cold and a sore throat. But they do heighten my irritability. Gotta keep shaving so the tissue doesn't get caught in your bum-fluffed 'tache. Can't take throat sweets because 'they mess with your insides'. Don't go out to lectures because you will irritate people (hell, I'd irritate me in this state. I'm usually quite vain otherwise). Man! At least I've done 'a bit' of work. Now all I gotta do is get re-employed! Oh 'appy dayz at the ol' fairground...