Your Face

24 February 2005


I am. I really am. And I've got no motivation to do any work or anything. Bah.

But today, I invented plans! Yes, plans! Firstly: get a job which pays well for a year or so. Nextly: learn to drive. And get car. Thirdly: go on road trip. With a camera.

Yeah, that'd be awesome.

14 February 2005

Dark, Wet, Windy, Mindy?

What's-a-happening? Nothing much, then. I get free money soon (woo! Disabled Student Allowance a go-go) and everybody in the house keeps getting ill, probably soon to be me, since it was around this time last year that bad bugs bit me (or something). I have to get this Dissertation underway - so far, only one person has actually been involved in my experiment. Of course, push comes to shove, I make up the results, I throw down a half-arsed coursework piece, I masterfully cheat on my exams and get that 2:1 I hankered for, but I should really be 'all me'. And I need to work out more. And eat better. And be better at grammar.

05 February 2005


Yeah, the cheap alternative to Lego. But no! A 512MB memory card for the 'phone was bestowed upon me by my beloved today. And it's awesome. Lots of music. Or, quite simply, 'enough'. But now I want more! MORE! And I won't stop 'til I've got everything! Yes siree...

02 February 2005

Super Fly

So I came to the question of 'what 3 bands would influence your band?' question. It ended up being QOTSA, SFA and, erm, Metallica. That'll do.

I need to think of more stuff.