Your Face

27 November 2002

Holy, Moly, Moudly, Moby

1800 and a bit words of absolut trollop to do. Think about it: a coursework based on how you study. Sounds easy at first, but the hard part certainly is the crap that needs to be spouted. As I go on these days, I'm thinking of 'the ultimate wrestling match' that would probably only be able to be pulled off by Ray and I, what with our ability to sychronise well with each other (hint: no, we're fucking not telepathic). All the more I don't want to get a job yet, will spend the long Winter holiday hopefully getting the effort to get out and do something I've always wanted to start, and will laugh at the great signs of the soon-to-close Southport ABC Cinema. Some noticed:

-'We're gonna open a can of Whoop-ass on SBC!'
-'No, for the last time, we're not the frickin' SBC'
-'Bored Staff Inside. Please feed'
-Ha! Made you look'

25 November 2002

Wrestlemania XXX Main Event: Adam w/whores -v- Ray w/whores in a hardcore porn championship fight

Alright then: from zis day forth, until Christmas has happen'd, I will not buy any presents unless they are for somebody else. 'Twill be one of those difficult tasks to follow, but it will make the first day of Christmas one that should be more enjoyable. One of these days I'll recapture the spirit that less certainly is more, especially when it comes to what you get. No, I don't mean less but bigger presents (like houses, islands, zebras et cetera), I just mean less 'in general'. Now, at my age, I'm pretty thankful for not being one of those spoilt children (at least, not spoilt compared to others - the types that merely whinge at their parents to get them something). Since I don't have a job, I may as wait 'til the fairground is open once again - that's only, like, March, innit? Therefore, I will be able to do something like take driving lessons. And soon afterwards do as little as I am now. Not th'end.

23 November 2002

Oh no

Mock horror; Liverpool lost. So did Arsenal, but that leaves just two points separating the bitter Liverpool rivals right at the very near top of the table. What does that mean? Improve, damnit! We bought those players to prove ourselves, not to repeat our poor performance that occured roughly this time last year. Shocking horror.

21 November 2002

#1-2-3-4-5-C'mon get it#

Introductions. Quite possibly the best thing people can work on. Ever. Books. Films (like Face/Off spring instantly to mind). Games. Weblogs. And so forth. Why is it this happens? Is there some sort of 'thing' that people just won't do to continue some o' that fathomably good goodness?

Yeah, there's always that old excuse of 'At the end, it became more of a chore than something that I wanted to do', so why not start on the end instead? It's probably related to attention spans, something which anybody I know has a short one of. Mind you, this post only came about since there have been a few disappointing Futurama episodes with outstanding beginnings, where afterwards, the writers try to cram in as much as they wanted since they devoted so much effort to that intro. Usually works.

This isn't a personal dig at you, oh no: me, you, that tree over there; we're all guilty of getting bored easily. Because, as y'know 'Only boring people get bored'. For some reason.

19 November 2002

Mad proposal

Stomach trouble recently. I'm thinking of doing something rather maddening: going to as many 'things' as possible (that should have really been done when I was younger), i.e. go to random martial arts lesson for only one lesson, random musical instrument lesson for one lesson, go to art lesson once. No skills properly learned, just something new to constantly do. Or get a coach to some random place. The choice is my brain. What am I saying? I'll just end up getting a student job at the fairground again (when it opens). Hey, it was easy work.

Is you the phattest ass is that on this planet?

Knacker'd. For some reason, I'm getting growing fears that I'm diabetic, since someone with 100% (I think) similarity to my genes has it. As I've already been diagnosed with one condition that he already has, added to my constant getting tired for no reason, I suspect the 'worst' (i.e. since Ray has to make so many dietary changes, I'm a tad frightened). However, since he has the diabetes type that isn't associated with 'being a lazy fat person who constantly eats, smokes and drinks', it would be more likely to make people feel sorry for you other than being ashamed of you. If there are people of that calibre left.

18 November 2002

Groundhog Day is on AGAIN

You know when you think you've got it sussed, but then some guy with an oil stain walks over and says "It's just the beginning. Bw'ha!"? Well, that metaphorically happened to me. Basically, exams are up and coming, and I haven't revised much. Basically, since I know the stuff, I assume I'll walk it. Then write it. But, there's always the case of 'It'll be harder than what it really is'. M'boom! And, some eediot took MY copy of Ranma ½ issue 8. Well, it wasn't my copy since I hadn't bought it, but, 'you catch my drift'. So instead, I bought 'Endtroducing' by DJ Shadow and 'Blazing Arrow' by Blackalicious for £22. Nice.

15 November 2002

Ears to that, brutha

It's not Christmas, and Ray still thought it was a good idea to buy another PS2 game. Smackdown!: Shut Your Face is the game, and remarkably bettering the last game it is. Still to create a character of Ronald McDonald are we, but there's that three-player goodness to be having with siblings. Rob Van Dam is a great character, but I whinged at the lack of Tommy Dreamer (ho hum). It's great actually doing the Van Daminator, one o' the finest moves in wrestling, as well as that shoulder charge-flip-'nother shoulder charge move. Oh, and it's got Hulk Hogan's original theme (#I am real American, fighting for rights of everyone...#). At least they've sorted out the blippin' countering situation.

14 November 2002

It's like that it's like this

Got a new coat. Felt big. £80. Nice. Only that I'm optimistic that I'll get a job at the local Stats place. Ah, feh.

12 November 2002

Kittens like Flat Caps

As I write, Liverpool trail 3-2. Hopefully, for the win. If you like kittens, or songs like Led Zeppelin's 'Immigration' or stuff by The Vines, you can't do worse than In other news, I couldn't find any comics of 'The Tick' today, which is the shame, since they're really good. And, because of my mathematical prowess (and not as grand English Language power), I'm thinking of getting a part time job at the local stats office. They pay good money.

11 November 2002


All I gotta say is: Digitiser's gonna be funny again! As the market of games magazines continues to be devoid of any decent games media, the one that's free will finally be good (again). Long live originaly humour! Et cetera. Don't damn me, I know I've got some right.

He's monkeyified, he's shoe-boy. He'll give you credit

Ow, ooh, ach, for I did something I most certainly shad not. Well, it was wrong, but not in a dirty way, more like 'It's bad for I and no other'. For some reason, when my parents aren't around, I'll sometimes run up to a wall and put myself in a handstand position by the wall (in the future hope that, one day, I can do vertical pushups with ease). But, ah, why not go further? Put hands on ground, go into handstand position, but with a greater arch in my back. Why not go further? Further indeed. Hands placed a greater distance from the most local plain wall, I went for it. And nearly put myself in a yogic position of great complication. Hell, I nearly put my feet on my head. I got to one position, and "Arrr, that's doing me little good", to which I rolled over, pathetically. I should do yoga then, for in that obvious hope that I will be able to do the unfathomable one day. And then some. At least an impressive splits-maneurve(sic) will be harnessable one day, I say.

09 November 2002

It's amazing who you don't know. Or it isn't

Less time typing malarky, more time playing GTA: Vice City. But, I can't help thinking that there's something about it that isn't as great as the first game. Sure, you can buy lots of places, like a film set, or various clubs, or what-you-do, but it feels far smaller than the first outing. I'd give it 'Hmm' out of 10. Still a barrel of fun (and you can get rewarded for hitting criminals running away from police - at least there's SOME edutainment here). And, instead of having the chance to see previews of the NEW HARRY POTTER FILM, I sufficed with seeing 28 Days Later with some people. Good film, especially on a low budget. But I wanted witches and wizardry. Ah, who the blip cares? Good going regardless.

06 November 2002

Here's your H-h-hear's your daily d-daily dose of f-f-f-f-fun

It certainly looks like I haven't learned a schtinkin' bit about past ideas of work (i.e. leaving coursework to last moment, same with coursework). Of course, the same goes with the majority of others, who do the same. Not that I'm conforming, I wasn't aware they were doing such. Oh well. Upon leaving, I know I'm becoming a public hazard by the way that I drive my bicycle through those crowds. And nearly a blocked exit (twice). And a police scene. Et cetera. Of course, old people are allowed to be blamed, because they infest my hometown anyway. I'm also findin' those pyramid scheme junk e-mails remotely interesting (but it's not like I'm going to be duped into going for those). Y'know, "I was getting only $10,000 a year, but now I've got $500,000!" yabba yabba, I couldn't honestly care about wanting my $5. And I especially don't want to lack £5 to you either.

Betcha Sketch

I haven't posted for a few days 'cause my sister's been taking the PC. So...there. Yesterday, on a night without it's local annual bonfire night at the nearest rugby ground (because of insurance, methinks), I decided to try and start getting fit. Again. So I took my bicycle and decided to cycle to Freshfield. Felt tired by Ainsdale, got train there (far nearer). So, on the way home, I decided "I'll go down the coast road", which turned out to be a big mistake. Something I never actually noticed before was the lack of lighting on the road, and couple that with the lack of lighting on my bike, and it's one dark journey home. A bit like that Army ad with the angry sergeant, except instead of going 'Left, left, LEFT' I went 'Straight, straight, BEND A LITTLE TO THE LEFT' a lot. And whingeing whilst there was no light was obviously a natural thing to do. Of course.