Your Face

30 April 2003

Kono kamera wa ikura desu ka.

Japanese Oral exam. I must say, not bad. Although I did mess up a bit (Hada-san tells me question, I stare into space for ages before saying 'Mo Ichido Onegaishimasu' - could you repeat that), but otherwise, I did ok. I hope. I did say that after my Psychology A level exam though...meh. Then we went to the pub afterwards and discussed something. One guy said he was in a minority, but considering that there was an Englishman, a Scottish girl, a Malaysian, a Thai, a Chinese, a Spanish and a Nigerian, that quote was thrown back in his face. Over having 5 sugars in his hot chocolate, or somethin'.

27 April 2003

Shift your feet, side to side

Rah rah rah! For I was complimented on my few dance moves whilst working the other day. Although most of the music sux, there's still some hits by Michael Jackson that were made before he went mental. And a few good tunes. So what to do, with no customers around and just a few staff? Dance! Of course. Funky arm movements, in waves, alongside the shoulder and leg movements, doing well. "Where'd you learn to dance like that?" asks one puzzled female acquaintance. "Television. Like all things that look good, especially the 'do not try this at home business'." That made me feel fine. Next, fake fighting. I do a rolling sobat kick (left side of body facing opponent, jump and do and spin to kick straight with right foot). "Wow! Bet you know some martial arts-type stuff." asks another. "Err, not really. I watch TV." That's twice television has helped. And that's making me feel more idiotic for ignoring taking up lessons. Gah.

26 April 2003

#The best things in life are usually free...#

Ow! Headache. Fat lot of good that day off did me. Had it all week. Probably due to a squint I've developed over the years, somehow. Must go optician. Some guy from our team has been off sick all week with...a cold. If that isn't being a pansy, I don't know what is. Wimp.

24 April 2003

I swear I will update those link-thingummies

A day off. Relief. Man, it sounded pretty nasty, but as I went into work yesterday, one of the mechanics was telling us the gruesome story of how some woman had gone under a cherry picker 20 minutes before I got into work, only a few blocks away. 'Eeee', and 'ooh'. And, on Saturday, as I and another were receiving a lift from my mum, we saw some pretty grim car accident (it was upside down, basically). What else? It rained on my day off (boo), I'm only slightly closer to doing well on that Japanese Oral Exam (boo) and I have to work on Friday AND Saturday. It's like God hates ME. Err, maybe not, I don't know.

23 April 2003


Well, Sunday was dullin'. Must have been good security. Otherwise, I spend yesterday working feeling like a prune, and pained. It hurt. Today was better; I got to choose the Black Hole t'do, therefore I did the music. Only one person complained about the music ('I don't like Andrew WK'!), even though it rocked (although it only ever varied between The Coral, Primal Scream, Red Hot Chili Peppers, QOTSA and Andrew WK), and I found £7 from stupid scallies leaving money behind. Hoo-rah. Still got to get somewhere with my revision, though; at least I finally spoke to someone who thought that me doing Japanese was groovy. Well, I found £7 and YOU DIDN'T.

18 April 2003

#You better get ready to die#

As the infamous 'Scally Sunday' approaches (that's Easter Sunday, ladies and gentlemen), we're all to be told about security measures. I'm either thinking the day will be the most interesting and, therefore, hilarious days I will have worked, or be an absolute nightmare. Anyway, I hope to deliver at least one stunner on an unsuspecting cock. Anyway, it will be colder, hopefully. Er, that's right.

15 April 2003

'Take care of yourselves'

Aw, fugger. I had a thought. One that involves me doing something. I will probably end up moving out in September, only because 'it's right'. Therefore I will need to buy stuff, and should take up stuff, as had been intended. But first things first. Get fit quick. Instead of becoming a potato, I need to get active. Surely jogging a good few miles a day needs to be sorted out eventually. Although for some reason, I haven't felt healthy since August last year, a time when I was actually exercising. Ah, fbbble. It's that fairground.

13 April 2003


Taking off work is Ok, I suppose, but my stomach is still dormant. However, if I do go into work tomorrow, 'feeling under the weather' = doing an easy ride with little effort = same pay as anyone else. Of course, I'll have to be healthy enough to go in first...and hopefully not spread it to anybody. That would, to be frank, be 'the shits'. Note the pun? 12 seconds to think of that. Well, Ray's got it, sadly. Aw, phuck.

12 April 2003


Felt fine for Thursday. Nothing much wrong. Good health, walked 'a bit', borrowed library stuff. Then, come midnight, thus effectively being Friday, foulness. Woke up every two hours throwing some dinner up, and when that was done with, I started on stomach juices. Eeeugh. Great a stomach bug; considered that my stomach's already messed up, that'll put me out of action for...quite a while. At least I can get some decent revision in (before being ill again). Bleugh. And I feel foolish for it, damnit.

09 April 2003

Ruby Wax does 'Sk8er Boi'

Aaaagh! Japanese Oral exam! In about 3 weeks! Ten minutes of speaking 'stuff', and I do believe out of my class with only one English person in, that only one person is confident to do the damage. Looks like some determined research is needed...I have to play Shenmue II again! That only helped a bit last time, that. That's when Ryo or whoever were saying 'Ohayogozaimasu!' which means 'Good mornin'!' or something. That, and I need to revise 'and stuff' for the exams come May. I'll do it. I hope. Hell, last minute revision got me this far, why stop now?

08 April 2003


New York, on 30th March, completely banned cigarette smoking in bars and restaurants. I would be over the moon for that to happen over here, as I absolutely detest it. One of the main reasons is because I have to put up with it at my workplace. And it pisses me off to high hell. Sure, this rule would annoy many, but it would please a lot more. Thinking of being able to go into a none-smokey pub or club would be great. Hell, why not an outright ban, like in Singapore?

06 April 2003

Beans for tea, again

I swear, I will make a complaint to the fairground about music. As long as the replacement isn't the stuff from MTV Base or MTV Hits alone, I'll be happy. I came to the conclusion today that about 98% of 80s music is seriously crap.

People who bang on about the music of the era are like Retro games fans - they harp on about how good a load of games were, and somehow still are, when now everybody knows that the games have been completely surpassed. The pop music from the 80s seemed to all follow some sort of pattern - each song relied on a particular feature, like some wanky sound-effect, or the chorus. Anything else was just filler. The result made the listener think that the song was good, when it was actually completely dreadful. Songs like 'I'll be working my way back to you, babe', or 'I'm so Excited' (that old Crunchie ad song). Absolutely terrible. The only good music in the 80s was the old-skool hip-hop. And some artists, like Duran Duran, ABC, Gary Numan, Nick Cave, Bowie, but definetely not Madonna, Michael Jackson or Prince. They were, and still are, SHIT.

03 April 2003

Stab stab stab K'kill!

Do you know what? I haven't bought an album for ages. I've been listening to the same one at least twenty times. Andrew W.K., you are the saviour of all music. Particularly the song 'She is Beautiful'. Insanity, non? Anyways, I met up with an old friend (who is considerably smarter than I) who is planning to buy an arcade machine and has had considerable more university fun than I. But then, he went to Imperial...