Your Face

31 May 2004

Oh, I Dream Of You

Oh, sausage sandwich. I want one. But I can't seem to have one. Today, I managed a cereal (just about) for brekkers, a chicken stock drink thing (which I seem to be becoming addicted to) for lunch and a leg of chicken, a hard-boiled egg (de-shelled), a spoon of potato salad and a slice of baguette. I'm getting back to normal, slowly...

Oh, and I dream of Anna. Sentimental? Sloppy? Talk to the fist, 'cause the hand is pissed.

On the rebound

Man, I haven't worked for ages. What with my proposed week off just buggering up (was spent being ill and then some), I need to get healthy(ish) for this trip to Eire if I want to have much enjoyment. Mind, I've been looking for time off for a while...just not in this sense. As long as I can see some games from Euro 2004, I'll be glad.

28 May 2004

Green poo?

Dribble. Yesterday morning was possibly the worst physical torture I have ever been through. Two reasons: enema (which I react badly to) and sigmoidoscopy without sedation. Search for 'em all you like, but I would never want to repeat that morning again.

Anyways, I still haven't really eaten properly (I've only had porridge all week), so I managed to shed a few pounds (in the wrongest way possible, of course). I somewhat doubt I will be working for a while, which obviously isn't good for the money situation. Where to go from here...

25 May 2004

oh yeah

i changed teh style and stuff cos the other new one was all rubbish and then i pcicked a new one from the temapltes and changeed it a bit an d now its all new and stuff

and im still ill

24 May 2004

Sick as a Brick

Provided a brick can be sick, of course. One of the drugs I take, which I've been taking for about 6 weeks, lowers my White Blood Cell count. And during two of the weekends in this period I've been sick, with different illnesses. I still don't have the foggiest of how to get this colitis under control, but I hope I'm okay for the trip to Ireland. This sux.

21 May 2004

"Oh. Man."

No. Just, no. Being sick is always foul, but feeling like crap during an exam is difficult. Even if I did the exam with the mightiest of ease. I don't want to skip work since I need the money for a trip to Ireland I will be going on (and it will be nice, indeed).

I should get some sleep. And a real diet.

19 May 2004


Woah. I mean, woah. Methinks me's passed that exam. The one with all the hard things in it. Well, one question was quite well answered (though it lacked references), and the other question was a complete stab in the dark. Let's hope I succeed, eh, readers!

And in boo news, Ray's been hospitalised, again, which is roughly one year since he was hospitalised the first time for the same reason. I think. Schpooky.

17 May 2004

Guts for Garters

Okay, there's mad people. Then there's people who completely lose it. I mean really lose it.

Whilst doing a ride yesterday, some insane lady came up to me screaming "I've lost my daughter in that ride!". With me being closest to it, she starts blaming me. She had lost it; she's pretty much let shock get to her and has assumed the worst. Speaking to her was impossible; getting a word in was not going to happen. Through her screamings, I attempted to say, "If you calm down, I'll be able to go to reception and have them call out on the radio". But no. She insisted on telling me that there is no system in the fairground for this kind of situation, before running off again.

Then she came back to scream at me some more. And ran off again. Onlookers were feeling sympathetic; why was this my fault? An elderly Muslim man offered to get the manager to her but she apparently get screaming. She eventually found the girl, and then blamed me some more. I tried to speak to her, but she wouldn't have any of it. Not like I have feelings, or anything. I turned around, muttering to myself, "Oh, for God's sake, this looney isn't paying any attention", to which her twattish son thought I said "Fuck off" to her. I should have. She was mental. Eventually, another colleague came over to assist me. The looney has a go at her, reducing her to tears. I was pretty shaken; she looked like she was ready to kill.

Eventually, we had to get our team leader, security, and some others over to help out. She wouldn't listen to any argument, all she did was shout at people and give abuse. Regardless of us giving decent arguments, she acted like a little child about it. Weakling. And she ended up calling me a 'slob' for working in the fair, regardless of me saying, "I'm a student. I need to make money somehow". To which she said she was a teacher. I nearly choked on my tongue. She must be seriously detested, I tell ya.

12 May 2004

#Shazam and Abracadabra#

4th exam. Was a bit poor. But through my garbled words, I managed to put real words on the page. Which were actually related to the subject. Gettinthere. Two more, real toughies.

But in other importance today, my favourite girl and I went for an interview at Wesser & Co. (I can't remember the website) regarding a job for August. It involves walking around houses for seven hours a day asking people to sign up to support St. John's Ambulance. I may be up to it, since it pays well (or 'better than the fairground) but I'm not entirely certain if I'm ready to walk about for seven hour days yet. Possibly...

08 May 2004

Headbutt those pigeons, there

I believe I passed another exam comfortably. I'm getting good at being random. Onwards with the Japanese exam-o!

05 May 2004

#Hey! Hey! 16K!#

Well, cool. I passed the exam I fretted about for so long. Now I have two and a half days to prepare for the next summarise the past few days, I got that camera, have seen 'Eternal Sunshine...' twice (great stuff, that), seen the Wildhearts and thought about ingenious ways to cheat on an exam. I mean genius stuff. Like wearing 10 pairs of white briefs, each pair with different notes written on. Amazin'!

But, what else? I'm getting more frustrated with fairground all the time. My condition is just not good for it; I stress too much whilst I'm there. I don't think I want to work August, that's for sure. I might want to get fired...not a bad idea! If possible.

02 May 2004

For the record

Well, courtesy of she I now have an old digital camera. Good scott! Ish. Oh, well. It is a bit old, but it does the job. To an extent.