Your Face

30 August 2004

The Fairground is/are crap

I know I should quit this debacle of a job. The new overall owner, Amanda, must a bitch the most icy heart in the history of Blackpool. Or Cesspit. Or whatever it's called. No bonus for working on a bank holiday? No closure of the fairground after a death of a fellow colleague? Go fuck yourself! A girl quit due to that, and I don't blame her. Good going, Su. I don't care if your profits are down, we can't help that weather up there in the sky.

Still, I'll continue workin' until the end of the season. Then I will never allow myself to be employed by them again. Baaaa.

25 August 2004


Man, that sucks. One of the mechanics at work today died from a heart attack. He got caught on the Sky Ride and must have died from the panic. From what I gathered from the few times I spoke to him, he was a nice guy, a person few people would really hate. Many people have been left shaken, but that's understandable. Here's to John B.

20 August 2004

I remember when I first saw Keane in the flesh...

...I said to Anna, "Are they Keane? I don't know what they look like". Oh, how time has changed. Sell-out tours and stuff. The NME now hate them (because Morissey does). I still think they're 'okay'. And Richard, the drummer, is still probably a nice person. And that was only in March, which is quite impressive.

Well, only about half an hour to go until work. Better get ready or somethin'.

18 August 2004

Nitro Narcosis

Man, I got problems. I bore myself too easily. I need to do something at the moment whilst not in work. I know learning to drive is a priority, because then I can bugger off for weekends for no particular reason. And I watched Interstellar 5555 today (that Daft Punk film) and it's rather good. No amazing story, but good stuff nevertheless.

14 August 2004

Mr Inactive Strikes

Look at me! I'm dead unfit. I played football today, and lasted 10 minutes before I panted like a dog in a hot car. Also: playing football with no change of clothes is not the best idea. My clothes got utterly mud-caked, meaning I had to get a lift home to avoid looking/smelling funny to the rest of the public eye. But man, my feet hurt a bit. Regardless of some silky skills, I think any chances of Sunday League football are a long way away.

13 August 2004

#Tell all your friends they can go my way#

Well, I never thought. But 'one of the Polish guys' in work asked me who sang 'White Lines' today. "Flandmaster Flash?" His reply to my answer was. I chuckled.

Anyways, footie season starts again (cheer!), but I need to think of a dissertation topic soon, otherwise, I'm pretty screwed. I think I'm scaring the kids at the fairground with my singing of top tunes (#and here I go again on my own...# etc.), because they seem to stare at me in a strange vision. I don't care. It makes the day go by quicker.

09 August 2004

Update: all of them died

Well, there's my lax attitude probably on the verge of getting me fired. I told some annoying guy to 'shut up' since he was really pissing me off about 'How come that's all they get for two tickets?' (a common question - don't talk to me, wanka). I told a woman yesterday she was a cheat because she was - she constantly hedged around paying for her child on the ride until I told the young boy he couldn't go on it - bitch off.

Actually, I was cool in both those situations. I hate dealing with dipshits. But I did mess up quite badly the other day, getting a child's leg a bit hurt by starting a ride too early (my colitis caused me to 'pain up a bit' and thus I lost concentration). She did eff and blind at me, but she actually cool in the end, partly blaming herself, unlike the last lady who COMPLETELY LOST IT when her child went missing for a minute or two. Bah, fairgrounds. I need to quit.

04 August 2004

"I'm not going!"

Yes, that's what I said. I just wouldn't be up to going to Leeds this year. Or any other festival, what with the colitis 'n' all. I'm coming to realise that the only way I'll be able to have pain-free days is by cutting out wheat and dairy products. Which is some task, by a long way. I'll try it eventually, but I should see a dietician first.

Ho-hum. Off to Manchester today to see graffiti; a teletext poll of 'Do you think graffiti is cool?' resulted in 2% for yes and 98% for no. Twats!