Your Face

26 October 2003

Don't know what you want

Boring. That's what work is. Not even prodding water from a canopy and running away or pretending you're good at martial arts with a broom can pass a mere FIVE hours. It's tougher than tough. I'm gonna have to bring reading material today, it's undeniably drab. And then I'll 'ave to look for another job after next week, or at least a Christmas one. That pays real cash.

I'm getting confused about religion once again; I thought I had finally dismissed Catholicism, but it seems to be a bit deep-rooted in me, in certain aspects. I believe in a God 'n' all, but religion all seems to be a stupid. Although Paganism seems a little attractive...

23 October 2003

'...and besides Ted, who's gonna milk the cows?'

Great. We're screwed, quite frankly. To quote The Presidents of the United States of America, 'everybody wants to be rich and famous'. Right-wing tosswads want all students and children to be labour workers, but it ain't gonna happen. Psychologists and Edward de Bono want schools to be far more flexible, so children can reach their true potential. So yeah. Basically, I would be really surprised if there are any farmers left within the next 20 years. Nobody is going to want to be a farmer, fer Christ's sake. Or a labour worker. Everybody wants to live their dreams. Like me. Otherwise, they're pretty happy to slack and watch videos all day. Makes sense, really.

But no one wants to work! We need another revolution. Not communism or capitalism, 'cause they don't work.

22 October 2003

How to make a cinema listing

Today, the three films FACT are showing are:
-Belleville Rendez-Vous
-Kill Bill Volume 1
-Spirited Away
That's like, the best film line-up I've ever seen at a cinema. And all those films rox. Psyche!

20 October 2003

#I'm on a plane#

Well, actually, no. I'm not. And I still haven't been on one (whinge). But the post? I'm in the uni library. At 8PM. Insane? Quite. Still not working, but, getting there. Actually, I just needed to kill an hour before Anna gets back. Because the train pass can't be used after 8 (I'm not being cheap, THEY'RE the ones being stingey about time. Gits).

Um, bought PES3. Liverpool are good, though Gerrard still hasn't been given the god-like powers he deserves. Chelsea haven't been updated. Ha.

19 October 2003

What you say?

Went to 'Toxicity' with Anna on Friday. Regardless of a having a less varied soundtrack, I prefer the Krazyhouse because there's some room in there. And there's a place to sit down. And it has more arcades than Toxicity. I need to find a jazz bar that allows someone with trainers to enter. Arses.

Um, I saw 'Belleville Rendez-Vous' on Monday. The basic plot is about a mother trying to rescue her kidnapped son, who was taken during a Tour De France race. It's all really bizarre but very clever stuff, definetely worth seeing. The animation is bizarre but lovely.

12 October 2003

If I was in a band, they would be called 'The Hadokens'

Me! A wrestler! I'm gonna, like, meet the guy next month! Granted, it's not gonna look amazing after my psychology degree to have 'part-time wrestler' on my CV, but it'll look cool. Erm, training on a beach (not exactly Jamaica - more Formby. In Winter. Brrrr). Stuff's just going over my head a bit - I don't want to do it loads as I like being with Anna, but choices will always have to be made to advance in life. This is one of those big ones, I think.

10 October 2003


Erm, changed the site since it looked crap. And still does, but more professional.

People get paid a lot to do this.

I still can't be bothered learning. Ahem. I want to be a wrestler? There's money in that. But ain't got no time! 'Cept Friday.


Broadband. Wow. Amazing. Now it doesn't seem so special anymore.

I need to study.

08 October 2003

It's been a good night

University...huh. Work. No. Anna. Yes! Actually, that's probably a bad thing. I'm letting myself get distracted, too easily. Sure, love is a funny thing; I suppose that's what my problem is at the moment. Lack of focus on other things. Yeah.

Of course, I've barely done any reading, bought one book out of a proposed 5 (and failed to proceed with the reading part of that), barely eaten or gotten any sleep, ignoring what I'm supposed to do and some other things. But I hate timetables, schedules, deadlines and any related guff. Organisation will probably do well, I think.

03 October 2003

#I Love (I Love) New York City!#

I don't care about any other music for a good while. Andrew WK in Manchester, regardless of only seeing his band for 45 minutes, was the best £8 I ever spent. EVER. EVER EVER. Absolutely fuckin' rocked. Small venue, big name. Sold out. Mental crowd. Andrew WK loves his fans, and we love him. Especially when he got that one guy in a headlock to sing. Aaaah.

02 October 2003

Everything's Happenin' So Fast

Okay, I need to slow down. In great contrast to what I mainly used to do, i.e. nothing much, everything is happening now. I'm attempting to overcome my illness, with a 'sort-of' success. My girlfriend is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'm 'a bit' overwhelmed by it all. I went to the best gig probably ever in my life yesterday (Andrew WK, natch. Whattaguy). I'm still not doing as much work as I should be, but 'it's only the first week'.

And I'm shunning just about everybody for it. Friends, family, whoever, just for my sake, seemingly. I've been a total arse and I really want to apologise, but that apology would only seem to be a mistake because I'm not sure how to make things better for others again.

Mebbe I should slow down a bit, or something. Yes, and I bought Soul Calibur 2, and it is the worst sequel EVER, since it makes no marked improvement over the previous incarnation. At all. 4 years? My face.