'Kids who smoke like chimneys'
Bang bang! You're dead. Not really, of course. But still, I miss horseplay that was found in my sixth form years. The attempted break dancing. The ping pong games. The football that no-one took seriously. The young children's playground which we would use instead. Those were the days. Can't argue with it being bad; anything to stimulate the mind is instantly GOOD in my books (like video games, ah ha). Of course, I thought that was originally an excuse...
But then, I saw 'Wild Child' on television yesterday. We'd looked at the case of 'Genie' in Psychology (a girl, from birth, was kept in a room of solitary confinement for 13 YEARS. She could never develop properly), but I never knew why she would never reach a decent intelligence. She couldn't. Her mind had not been stimulated, and brain scans of her were shown. Her brain was much smaller; this is because she was never stimulated.
So before you get subjected to someone dissing video games, think: they could save your life. G'night.