Your Face

31 March 2003

#Remember the time when you fucked the jelly?#

Ho-hum. 'Nother weekend at the fairground. With the help of British Summer Time, however, the day is colder for shorter. And warmer for longer. I still don't know why people can't just work everything an hour earlier. Just change your schedule accordingly. I've been looking up crazy right-wing propaganda and agreeable left-wing propaganda (hey - can you guess which side I'd support?). There's some crazy person web site which manages to do just what any other evil right-winger does - completely contradict their own beliefs. People on the site think racism is good, immigrants are the source of all evil and fat-cats are deserving.

Meanwhile, this nice web site tells you how very stupid and evil the BNP are, along with some great propaganda which I'm not condemning merely because it's against the BNP. All about liberalism. Of course, true communism would be extremely difficult to implement, what with current technology, so liberalism should be the realistic target. I'm pretty thankful that most right-wingers are in far less numbers than the days of old, they could even be dying out. That'd be sound.

28 March 2003

Did i' again

Curses. For some reason, I keep forgetting things that have recently happened. My mind just appears blank. I think I'm dreaming more as well, and they seem to be interpretations of the recent day's events (although I forget what happened). All I can remember is that Wolf in Virtua Figher has a load of nu-skool moves in the semi-sequel to the last game. New moves include Brainbuster DDT, DDT, Rock Bottom, Michinoku Driver, One and Only, Double German Suplex, Flapjack, Crippler Crossface, STF, Van Daminator, People's Elbow, Pedigree and even a Last Ride variant. Mad.

25 March 2003

Kelthink doesn't mean anything

Bloody Nintendo. I got Sonic Advance 2 yesterday, the American version, for a mere £3 more than what I would've paid on Friday. And it's the same version that we're getting - it has a language selection screen. There's nothing more that pisses me off than to get EXACTLY the same thing, but later, than another country, for no apparent reason. The box is better, for eel's sake. The game itself, whilst having far bigger and better levels, feels to be retreading ground from the last game. It has the opening grassy level, a snow level, a sky palace level and 'that last level'. But good 'un, 'tis. So says me.

21 March 2003

Being right-wing is being evil

Look! You too can be a filthy American right-wing racist. They have flavours of ice-cream that include 'I hate the French Vanilla' (this is apparently a REAL COMPANY, for god's sake). I sent an e-mail to them expressing my complete disbelief. They wanted flavour suggestions - I gave them Chocolate 'Dipshit for a President' Chip. That'd sell through the roof here, for sure.

20 March 2003

Cough Off, you silly little pastie

Wheeze! Cough! Gasp! Tired work that, cycling. To take full advantage of 'something', I was doing that right of Game's price-matching offer. Ok, Argos (shop or website) have no Gamecubes, but would this shop investigate? Hell no. With their last 'cube available, I said 'Would you do a price compare with Argos' offer? They had to comply. Thankfully. So, for a 'Cube, Mario and Memory Card...£80! That's cheaper than what the GBA was at launch. It was hard work lugging the thing home though. And I heavily doubt my dad would be pleased to see 'another machine' (especially since my younger brother and sister are doing their GCSE exams soon = ulp!). What a fiddle, eh readers?

18 March 2003


Wow! Argos are doing Gamecubes 'on the cheap'. That, coupled with another offer, means that I (Ray) will be able to buy Gamecube+Memory Card+Mario Sunshine+Metroid Prime for under £100. Excellent!

17 March 2003

Please, do something!

Gah! I've tried about four times, but my things ain't postin'. I might have said I would quit this internet malarky, but...ffff. Curse you, The Internet®!

11 March 2003

Up yours, capitalism

Pornolizer is a fantastic thing. It actually makes some web sites worth reading. You know, the ones that lack any heart(humour) or soul(educated opinion). Meanwhile, not far away, Edward de Bono has released an incredibly expensive book that I may, one day, purchase, even at the cost of £175. Why so high? Because it's revolutionary (who am I to argue - this is the guy who invented lateral thinking, for gawd's sake). That, and the guy needs to fund the first World Centre for New Thinking. Whatever, if I do get this book and pass my psychology degree, I might decide to be some sort of freelance rehabilitator. Like in The Maxx, but hopefully more cosy. F'sure.

I'm also thinking of just giving up this site. Not for the fact of it's AMAZING popularity, but I'm learning that the internet is basically full of twats. That, and websites are coming and going faster than lettuces. Maybe not, I don't know - my site'll end up like Jim's or Robin's. No wait, that's it! With the internet, everybody gives their opinion. It strikes me as amazing how similar the opinions usually are. That, and there's so many conspiracies in this place (internet) that I'm confused.

10 March 2003

Igging to Iggy

That fairground, I tells you. Some stuff. First day back. Terrible weather. Put me on an irritating ride to do, in rain. They better have care for me, I say. Anyways, the fairground is in turmoil since all the staff have to have drugs tests. So that's why there's barely anybody working in the games arcades. I'd chuckle, but the days wore me down. At least I have an excuse to work less days during the Summer, hoorah for that. And that's if I work during the Summer. Meh. I'll do something else. Like learning illegal martial arts, or something.

05 March 2003

#Just, just-the-just, just, just-the-just, just, just-the-just, just#

I'm fully knowledgable. No, not really. I'm not even sure what direction this blog will head. Either, it shall become completely renovated (sic), with links that still work, links to things that I still pay attention to, and a tad more insightful into the world of me. Otherwise, it will stay as 'some thing' which is filled with outdated links and a dullin' template. Ach.

So anyways, there we are asking one another about birthdays in Japanese class. In Japanese. I asked an Inverness lass, to which she replied 14 June. 'Getouttahere' I say, for I now know a third person with a birthday following mine own (one person is girl I went to school to with, my uncle and now, this girl). "So how old are you?" I go on to say? "18? 19? 20?" to which she replies "27". No, I wasn't asking her out, but I'm pretty sure I'm a poor judge of age.

03 March 2003

'Buy me!' 'No, buy me!' they say. All those little products, including one of those swanky new 3G Phones costing a mere £400-£500. Puh. There's that many things that want me, the idiot consumer, to believe I am going to buy. You bastards. Ok, so I don't blow money on booze, drugs or alcohol, but money can go fast anyways. I still need to be into books by the end of the year, otherwise, I'll outcast! I think.

02 March 2003

To sell yourself tall

You know what? Halfway through my Japanese course, I think: I want to do French again, for only now I see how palatable the language is. Plus, it's easier than Japanese. And there's probably more original animation in France than in Japan. Unless I somehow became a wrestler in Japan...but that isn't going to happen so swiftly (or at all). For other lessons of study, I need to think of a Psychology study. So far, my study involves presenting an article on yawning to read, and then asking them to complete a 10-question quiz. The quiz is pointless; the study is to see how many people yawn (or attempt to hide a 'yawn'). Stunning, really.

01 March 2003

'Hi, I'm Henry Rollins, and this is Off-Road Tattooing'

Yeah! New Jackass film rocks. Worth seeing for the intro and ending alone. The stuff in the middle isn't bad, either.

The seas be-a rollin'

Parents will be replacing rust-bucket of a car soon with a brand-spankin' new Corsa (God, why a Vauxhall? I'm not going to shout in my dad's face, but's that all he's ever been buying) with a CD player. It might inspire me to take up lessons and then do what I always dreamed of doin': drivin' around a lot singing pirate songs. Or just listening to CDs, whichever requires less effort. I'd like a Digital Camcorder to boot. And film with.