Your Face

31 July 2002

I need a Beard-on-a-stick

During today's quiet day, I spent my time doing Adam Hardy's break talking to Joe, again. The topic? Spoilt kids. Joe comes from a rich family, but is he spoilt? Hell no. His father is really strict, saves up loads of money and doesn't spend it. He lives in a good house and all, but he is okay that he isn't constantly given loads of material gifts for whatever he does, whether it is messing up or doing well. Of course, those types of parents need lessons.

But there is another end of the extreme; if you've got money, surely it's okay to spend some of it? All he was concerned about was the amount of food he had in the house, which is usually a concern for our house. The bad thing about spoiling children is that it's not good practice for later life; how would spoilt children ever get anywhere without having all things handed out on a plate?

Funk Off, or so it says on some CD

Short work day, which lasted less than five hours. I like. I got home to hear my brother playing more on his DJ set, just about all of it being underground. However, I later walk'd by the living room(which is where he has the decks set up) to hear...'Improvise' by Jurassic 5! Yes, everybody has heard it in Jet Set Radio, but I'm pretty damn sure it's suppos'd to be as rare as white eggs. It's a royal shame that the room is pretty much unaccessible, as it contains all the things which make a living room worth living in - decks, loadsa vinyls, PlayStation2, Dreamcast, TV, video, DVD player, CD players, vinyl, MiniDisc, tape, curtains, furniture et cetera. All it needs is a 'fridge.

Things to do to make you look hard

1. On Orangeman's Day, or whatever the hell it's called, walk around with one of those Guiness hats, and a t-shirt spouting 'Up the IRA!'.
2. Wear your football team's rival's shirt in the wrong place.
3. Walk, don't run, around the streets during the Spanish Bull-Chasing time of year.
4. Pick a fight with a martial arts expert, or even a regular attender to a gym(who isn't old/fat or whatever).
5. Take a cap of a scally and wear it the same way they would, then laugh majestically.
6. Ride none-handed on a busy road, whilst doing something else with your hands. Yes, anything.

Dance Dance Karnov

Uuurgh! For I am annoyed and not in need of the toilet. What's up my nose now? It's how many people choose their pseudonyms on the internet. I'm ok with pseudonyms, since anonymity can keep you safe. However, I'm not fond of those giving themselves grand titles, something like 'Dragonslayer4093', or something equally obnoxious. I'd prefer a little modesty from the this. It usually feels better, however, when your own modesty is complimented since you know that your pseudonym reveals a lot about you.

30 July 2002

DJ in the house, and he's annoying me

As I write this, my brother & mates have taken over the living room. Again. I'm pretty surprised that the one who has been DJing for the longest time doesn't have his own decks. I always thought my brother could at least pay for his own decks, judging by the amount of vinyls he has. I should try and get even more sleep.


To put myself into a true perspective, I am fearing the worst - that I could be diabetic, just like Ray. I have already had diagnosis of Colitis, the same thing he has(amongst other things), but in recent days I have been weak. Whether my body has yet to drain the last of the sedative out of my system I do not know, but because of my weak state I had to miss a day of work. That's no bad thing, but I have not been able to do much, except wash my clothes that were in dire need of a clean, and cook the worst omelette/scrambled egg-thing I've ever done - this involved searching through books like 'Jamie Oliver's How to be a Complete Wanker', ignoring anything written, getting halfway through a failed omelette then mashing the crap together. Not bad. Failing to recover quickly is not good, although it has been a while since I properly rested, as every day off has been spent doing something active. I pray that all I need is a good recovery sleep.

Speaking of sleep, my dreams nearly messed me up around work. I woke at a hideously early time of 0600 hours, knew I had to 'phone in about my absentism, then fell asleep. I dreamed that Ray had told me he already telephoned in so I could work later, so in the dream I drove down Rotten Row(a road with lots of sweet-smelling flowers, ironically) in a turquoise Vauxhall Corsa, like a bicycle, like a madman. I made it early and said to myself, "I'm not feeling dilapidated! This must be wrong!" and immediately woke. I then fell asleep again, with this time my mum telling me she had 'phoned in about my absence. Then I said "Have we got any Crunchy Nut Red?", which again prompted me to wake up. At 0824 hours. I then said to myself "Wait, I'm the one to 'phone Nikki(she told me to ring in the morn)'. Phew.

28 July 2002

It's a small, small, small, small world

Isn't that a funny thing. Of the girls who Ray and I had previously met whilst getting a taxi to Liverpool, one of them is a friend of Nat's, who is a friend of Chris Bannister's. What a coincidence! Of course, the idiocy in me forgot to properly get the girls name. If I ask, I'm sure 'twould be pretty rude.

27 July 2002

We've got your name! La la la

Funnee web site: Now THAT is a web site.

Blood Sugar crazy, she has it, sex magik, sex magik

Well, it's time to name another fault: desires! And I'm not talking about sexual ones either, since I haven't 'gone the whole 9 yards' yet(but I don't honestly care(I'm NOT gay, by the way)). No, these desires are about day-to-day living. I have grown out of the age where I require names to label my clothing, but I think that's it. My food MUST have a known label, especially if it's a cereal. My toiletries MUST have well-presented labels. Mind you, that's about it. I couldn't give a care if my furniture came from Ikea or Argos, as long as it's stable and doesn't break. What am I saying? I'm half-a-corporate whore.

At 88 degrees farenheit, I get Dave Syndrome

Filthy. The house is not as pleasant as it could be. There are always times when you'd want a mother to be present, even, to sound harsh, to clean up behind you. However, this is necessary for my older brother who constantly leaves a bloody tip behind him. There's no way I'm doing all the tidying. And I thought an empty house would be better. At least I got money for not attending the holiday(again).

26 July 2002

'Sharks with frickin' laser beams'

The third and final consecutive day off was spent pondering all over Merseyside, again. Going to the cinema, in fact, to see the third of the Austin Powers' films. And what a disappointment that one turned out to be. The intro, which turns out pretty funny, sets the film up to be a let-down. The cameos, the mere self-advertising of people, are poor. One of the main jokes about Austin Powers were what the people did on the outside, which is shunned in this film. Too much happens in the storyline, which leaves little happening to be funny. Oh, and a funny joke in Wayne's World II is practically done to death in this one. Ok, but that's it. I should try and get tomorrow off work as well, since my arms are still weak(for some reason) from the sedative. But since I'm doing everyone's breaks, it'll be easy.

25 July 2002

#G-L-E-N-H-O-D-D-L-E-I-S-H-A-V-I-N-G-A-G-O-A-L Glen Hoddle is having a goal!#

Aah, football. The perfect way to spend yesterday. Well, especially when nobody has 'the skills'. Suffice to say, myself and a few others(four others, really) played 'Head and Volleys', which is a small game of football where the rules always seem to change. It was great how we tried to do 'amazing volleys' and missed. I managed to accidentally miss the ball and do a full front flip, which involved going into a bad handstand, into an arched back, and then managing to stand from that. I did it once, but I did have witnesses. Now I am proud.

About end

What I am to write may seem disgusting, but you won't have any idea of the trouble I had today.

I enema. Yes, that thing you've heard about from a certain Blink-182 album title, but possibly nothing much else. I won't detail the foulness of it, but it put me on the toilet for 50 minutes, wiping out any traces of shit, as well as leftover blood from my body. That hurt like HELL. Within three hours, I was having a camera-on-a-tube shoved up my backside; regardless of me being sedated, I can still recall certain events. 'Twas not pleasant, but at least I'm recoverin'. At least I have another day off tomorrow...I need it like anything.

24 July 2002

Fuzzy Flying Fat Furlong

Well, something certainly does run in the family: lateness. I know I'm pathetic when it comes to revising for things. Last minute person, myself. A bit like those responsible for the booking a family holiday, which isn't including three members. What comes around, goes around, but I don't think I'd spout those words to my parents...

Taki Fried Chicken

Two items of interest today: the latest Weezer album, entitled Maladroit(the first of their albums without a colour in the title). A fantastic album indeed! Quite a refreshing sound from those America boys. They never fail to impress. Up also was Ray getting Fire Pro Wrestling on the Game Boy Advance. Abso-bloody-lutely amazing! At first, I was a little phased by the complications, but now I know it's a great game. Sure, it's only rubbish-2D graphics, but you would be damn impressed after pulling off a Five-Star Frogsplash with 'Vince Von Trap'. Yes, all the names are changed from the originals, but they can easily be changed. The best wrestling game there is. I will be getting it on the Dreamcast, oh yes!

Rew Room

Regardless of having 'everybody on their best behaviour' at the fairground yesterday(because the big bosses were coming), 'twas pretty relaxed on my ride. I was with Joe McNulty, which made it far easier. It's great because he knows that it's difficult to get fired(unless you give away tickets, which means you're likely to get fired). Lynn, the main boss-woman-person, approached Joe whilst he was walking. "There's a weed!" she said. "Yeah?" He replied. "There's a weed!" She once again said. It was amazing how tense everybody else was. Meanwhile, the break was spent discussing animation, on how Ren & Stimpy returning will be one ot the greatest things ever, and how the 'suggestions scheme' at the fairground(good suggestions get rewarded with £1000). Of course, we couldn't be arsed following that many safety hazards on the ride, and it didn't break.

#Choosing to be here, right now, hold on...#

Well, a quick working-out of what I will make in four weeks, working five days each week, I will make...£800(ignoring tax, which I still have to pay, for some reason). The chances that I will keep most of it? Hopefully high. And what's my major gripe this Summer? This Thursday, t'be honest. To find out what is wrong with my 'internals'. The only way I have been controlling this is by exercising like hell, which includes cycling to work AS A STANDARD. On the rides, if I ever had moments of peace, they must be used trying to keep fit. Which is a bitch, because it is very tiring. At least I can finally counter the problems.

23 July 2002

The British Summertime

It certainly is so; the first 'official' day of the Summer holidays(22nd of July, or yesterday) is tarnished by rain. The following day is also ruined by rain. Of course, it makes my job easier, but why must it always rain now? Or as a matter of fact, why does it always rain? One of the problems with our weather, although we are only rarely hit by freak weather conditions. Maybe it just gets pretty tedious, making the country look pretty grim.

22 July 2002

This is why I walk and talk this way

Oh, the day yesterday was also well received with my weekly pay, which came to £154, putting my bank balance to the highest I've ever had(above £400, joy). Not long before I can get past the £500 mark I should reach before the end of the holidays, but I really want my own PC. It's too fickle to share a PC already, what with it only honing 6GB of hard disc space. Granted, I am finding new PC games a severe bore(Neverwinter Nights does tempt me to an extent, but I'm not that big on PC RPGs), so I don't need a new one for that purpose, but something would be nice. Of course, I have been thinking about blowing money in University on things I would like to take up. This includes Asana, a form of Yoga, which makes you more flexible, but I'm quite sure that lessons for Yoga don't come cheap. At all.

The 'not cool' list

1) Using a Japanese name over a boring English one
2) Proclaiming you are a big Anime fan just because you have Cartoon Network and a large wad of cash
3) Minimalism. I think
4) Americanisations
5) Tired, tired old puns
6) Quoting from things EVERYBODY knows(like South Park, for example)
7) Sequels released 'for the sake of it'
8) Lists, of course

21 July 2002

The day was...fine

'Twill usually be a rare time for a great day to happen, especially when the day is a work day. Begin work 1200 hours. Get told that I'm to do relief for the first time, which involves jumping ride to ride for each person's breaks. That's great as there is a variety in your work in the day. So my lunch break comes at 1600 hours, which is enjoyed with a superb BLT, as well as the usual lunch stuff. Learn that four of the rides are now out of action, shortening the time quite a bit. Whilst doing the child's carousel, which isn't popular at all, a nice girl comes up to me and says 'How old are you?' The obvious reply of '18' is produced by I, to which I hear 'Thought so. That girl over there would like your telephone number'. Yes, I was quite happy to hear that, but, as I've mentioned, I'm a man of high standards, and that means I would like to know someone before I date them. The response? 'I'm honestly flattered, she does seem nice, but she's not my type'. Sure, a golden opportunity, but I'd like to get to university before I find one I would love. I also had a peaceful stint on 'The Mistral', which was accompanied by African circus performers 'doing their shit' in front of the ride. I applauded, but could not get feedback because of my job. And of course, an early finish at 1930 hours. Aaah.

19 July 2002

What are they feedin' me, ma?

Reassurance. It's something we constantly do. This is probably a principal based on me, but I'll apply it to everyone nevertheless. As said, we reassure people a lot. Why? The truth can hurt. There are people who are always hankering for a change to a tired society, but most of us know that this only applies to a minority. Many of us want to go through life hearing want we want to hear, seeing only what we want to and so forth. Tell your parents that 'you're not what they expected'(something like you're gay/really a member of the opposite sex/an alien), the reaction could be grim. Well, I was using reassurance when I fell off my bike; how would an old woman react to seeing somebody be damaged(no matter how serious)? It's quite a saviour.

'A sneeze is a tenth of an orgasm'

Well, I'm very pissed off. Talk about last minute holidays: my mum/mother/whatever it's right to say these days hasn't even booked 'it' yet(for whatever 'it' may be - look further). That's right; it may not end up being a holiday to some Spanish place, but actually a holiday to...Austria! A place I would love to go to! Of course, it's far too late to go into work and say "I'd like to have time off for a holiday - I don't know where to, but it's in two days", so I do feel a little cheated. By my very own family. If there is going to be a holiday, of course.

President Evil Code: Donald

Yeah, I saw Resident Evil. Legally. A what a piece of fun that turned out to be! Without ruining(as you don't), it's pretty well done without using many computer effects. I had to scream 'NINE INCH NAILS!' when the piece of a certain track was used(a great looping part of a tune, the track entitled 'wish', although 'twas a remix). The film was quite annoying as it was watched with a flock of scallies(otherwise, an empty cinema). A fantastic electronic metal soundtrack used during the film to really put you on the edge, not to be ruined by Slipknot's 'music'. There is a lot of psychological horror, whereas you may get frightened thinking about the consequences of the victims. Great stuff.

18 July 2002

Speak no cool, Hear no cool, See no cool. Not cool

A-harrr, me mateys! 'Tis not the blustery and rainy day I had hoped for. Arrr! Well, I now know that I have no holiday this year. To continue working at the fairground will be tedious, but of course, I need the money. Or do I? I'm not going to go for a weeks on end with only one day off at a time; some people are like that. They take one day off per fortnight. They're insane, to say the least. Well, I suppose I am for turning down a holiday...but that's a different matter! My body won't cope. Literally.

17 July 2002

Literally, the 30 second decision

During my break today, I went head-hunting for people to talk to. Upon finding Wyl, I was a bit confused to why Ray was standing there.
Oh, there you are, Adam.
What do you want me for?
A really important decision for you to make: do you want to go to Costa Rico for a holiday?
Costa Rico? Isn't that in South America?
Ever-so-slightly younger brother
Alright, the Spanish place which sounds the same. Do you wanna go?
I don't know...yes, I'm still aware that I'm hankering to go abroad at least once, but...I don't want to go to some hot country that is overrun by annoying British tourists.
I'm not going anyway.
N...nnnn....naaagh. As much as this will disappoint mum, I'm not up for it. When from, anyway?
I wish we had holidays planned a little in advance.

Another year, another lack of holiday. Mebbe I should broaden my travelling horizons than 'places which aren't culturally retarded'. There's no way I'm going to a place merely for sun. I think that trip to London will be on, once again!

I wasn't picking my nose, I was merely itching it

Virtua Tennis 2 games are becoming far too addictive. Though it has been a while since I've had regular four-player romps(with my brothers), I still have many tense matchups with Ray. It's addictive, simple and the female tennis players are rubbish.

16 July 2002

Physically well

I've noticed, probably for certain that I'm one of the most physically able peeps at the fairground, along with Wyl(who packs quite a punch considering he weighs under 140lbs). I'm no thin guy, merely average weight, coming in at 165lbs. I can easily put myself into the Shawn Michaels stance without stretching(Justin Credible also does so), I can easily fathom high walls and would probably do a moonsault from the ground have I the courage to do so. Mind you, most people on the fair are pretty weighty, or have a body in a can't-be-arsed stated. Including someone called 'Bruce Lee', which is a shame. What am I saying; I miss my wrestling mats! I really wish my dad didn't throw them out without consulting Ray or I.

15 July 2002

#Maybe I can help you...#

New 'in' thing, at least for me: to buy obscure, imported or expensive magazines. Today, I noticed, for the first time ever, a magazine that goes by the name 'The Idler'. The most recent issue featured some furry art on the front(about love; a cat-girl holding someone's heart. Nice); that, also with articles by Louis Theroux and Ken Korda, as well as Britain's worst towns(including Morecambe) were enough to attract me. £10. Hey, it's full of articles I'll keep coming back for. Better than FHM any day. Other: I bought new headphones which apparently look like hearing-aids. Not like you can see them on my head full of hair. I also noticed that the new Filmfour advert uses another kewl tune by DJ Shadow(called 'Giving up the Ghost'). Are they running out of ideas for tunes? Not that the song is bad at all, but...further underground, please!

14 July 2002


Ok, I've realised this: half the young girls at the fairground are really scared of me, the rest(other half, probably) stare at me like I'm the nicest person there is. Aww. However, aside that, some child today questioned my hair. 'It's too long', he said. 'By what standards?', I replied. 'Y'what?' he expectedly said. 'Why can't I have long hair?' I questioned. 'Cause boys don't have long hair'. Oh well. That's only been said to me once, ever. At least he wasn't a stupid scally child.

Whatcha, insane or somethin'?

These blisters are 'oh-so convenientally placed. My right hand. On my forefinger, middle finger and third finger. What not my left hand for curses sake? Oh, 'twas my fault all along regardless. It's a lesson to be learned, and I know that I shouldn't mope. And I certainly am. Ow. Oww.

Woosh! What's with all these new words coming abaht? Even though this is the same topic for one of the essays in my English Language exam. Yes, it's that word again - 'blog'; probably a noun as well as a verb. But that's not the point. The word has become imprinted into many internet users linguistic vocabulary, and why? Maybe because we're always getting better at making new words and associations. Where did the Drugs culture come from? Why is that so vast? Why do we have so many innuendos(and not just the sexual ones)? I should know the answers to these, but I forgot. At least I'm hoping that 'blog' will feature in new dictionaries.

13 July 2002

Justice Thumbs, and little fingers

Ow, curses, double-drat, and all the usual malarky that comes with irritance. When you're told something by your elders, you listen. Today, for the first time, I decided to cycle to work, going 'the scenic route', which basically involves less major roads. Coming up to Rotten Row, I said to myself, "Why, this road is really smooth" and then started to think about 'how to make use of this road'. I moved my right leg in some odd fashion; I planned to do something with it, I didn't know what. The leg landed on the front wheel, I immediately thought 'I'm goin' over', and did. It hurt. No head impact, although I became very dizzy from the fall and then I scraped my fingers and left arm. Ow. Blood, and blisters, were now present. A passing elderly lady, before posing the obvious, hears from me the reassuring lie, "I'm OK!" I immediately shouted. Just after she had passed, I fell to my knees held my head up, clutching my hand under my armpit in severe pain. Even some passing guy wanted to help, but I tried to reassure him. I was thankful for him anyway. I started cycling REALLY fast(as in not looking, just cycling forward like there's no tomorrow) so I could eventually get my hand under a tap. With these blisters, this detailed blog took a good while to write. Man, I hate blisters.

Keep it Unreal

Mad Speak: I don't understand it. Whenever I am walking in public and I see a large open space, I usually have the urge to do a cartwheel or a roll. I don't though...but the urge is getting greater! I must do a roll! Rob Van Dam stylee. No, wait, that's a bit mad. The desire is not usually present at home, for it is too easy.

12 July 2002

Hypocrites Society Inc.

Well, I am royally pissed off on this dull day(I don't care that it's Orangeman's day). What now? It's the Teletext film reviewing section, giving all critics a telling off for slating Scooby Doo beyond belief. Hey, I would agree with them on certain levels, as they say that other critics are dissin' the flick for what it isn't, rather than what it is. Fine. Except that on the same day, they review Resident Evil. I haven't seen the film, I don't want to get some pirate copy; but I've heard that it is a good no-brainer. Teletext hates it for what it isn't. Well, they went far.

It's the Informer!

I had to get home relatively early on Thursday(alright, 2100 hours, relatively early) for a programme about 'freaks', hosted by 'a freak'. Ok, I forgot his name, just like I do for all interesting programmes. It's the disabled guy off old Virgin Mobile ads(a guy on the bus who is seemingly angry, but then we see him on a hands-free set). He talks about how 'freaks' are received in modern day society, and how they still are 'freaks'. He is going to have a show at the Edinburgh Festival; something that I would like to go to, but I don't know what's going on with family holidays and such. I mean, it's only Edinburgh(a more realistically placed country capital than London will ever be), it's easier to get to than London. Isn't it?

Up for commendation

Whilst browsing through wrestling news, I learned that Rob Van Dam did some sort of incredible move(as always). But this move was incredible - he did a 'Van Terminator' from one side of the wrestling ring to another. A 'Van Terminator' is a difficult dropkick performed with a chair - so jumping from one side of the ring to another is really something. I should get old wrestling videos('Save your money!' is the genuine thing to do).

Who is Adam Smith?

I am usually flattered, if not, a little confused, when people call me other names than Adam. Some old guy, who was with his grandchildren at the fairground yesterday, kept calling me 'Bob Geldof', as I have a relatively similar hairdo as him. I have also been compared with an actor by the name of 'John Ireland' - I'm still uncertain of this, since I've never seen him and nothing comes up when I search for the name(other than a famous composer). And whilst in secondary school, I was called 'Ronnie O' Sullivan' by friends(Ray was called 'Louis Theroux', which made more sense). Oh well. As long as the people are respectable and not obese people living in caravans, I'm fine.

The four answers:

'The cup is half full!'
'The cup is half empty.'
'The cup...err...what was the question again?'
'Hey! I ordered a cheeseburger!'

11 July 2002


Mistake: it certainly wasn't Barry S. who didn't break his arm. So don't get better(and thus, do get better for the other Barry). That's that, then.


There's something about working a lot at the fairground. I could work six days a week, but there's stupidity there; I would have less time to use the money made. The day off would be spent worrying about the next work day; that's not exactly preferrable. Of course. I'm just curious to whether I should squander it on...£20 items. Zoinks. Well, if I were to waste it, it needs to be wasted on something good, that I would only use when bored or somethin'. Like a heap of art supplies. But then, I, unlike many others going to University, have the dilemma of deciding what's mine and what is Ray's. 'The Ultimate bet' was turned down by him(where simply by a toss of a coin, one of us gets all items whilst the other must buy all he desires at University - fair is fair), so decisions must be made.

10 July 2002


Well, you win some, you lose some. Guy at work, Barry Scarisbrick, has broken his arm, whilst working on a ride; 'twas quite a shocker, since he's usually a welcome member of our team. A 'get well soon' for him, then. In other news, possibly the most fantastic TV news I've heard for seven years; it is apparent that there will be new episode made of Ren & Stimpy, after an absence since 1995. All done by the original people too, just as picturesque as it ever was. Excellent!

09 July 2002

Stop that; it's annoying me

I just realised: where do I go from here?

At the moment, it's all fine that I'm money-makin'(money money-makin'(Manhatten!), Super Disco, Disco-Breakin'; force of habit), but I have problems. I'm too scared to spend much at all, in case my money is merely squandered, but I have the habit of buying all things under £20 that I want(thus slowly, but surely, eating away at my moolah). Maybe it's because this is the first time I've had a decent amount of money...ever. So what will I do in University? I need money, I want to have at least £500 by the time I go. I haven't actually thought about what I could do with a Psychology degree, either - yes, I want to be a wrestler, but that's a difficult issue. Try telling your parents THAT. I could change the subject of study after a year, but I can't think of anything. Life must be lived to the fullest, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to commit.

I could live in some pit watching videos and reading comic books with others all day...but that is a bit poor.

08 July 2002

I will not eat them on a boat, I will not eat them with a goat, I will not eat them Sam I am!

Whilst strolling around town with person, I noticed the stupidest thing ever - a tribute to Will Young, as well as a tribute to Gareth Gates. For those of you who are unaware, these two people are tribute acts. They do lame covers of good songs of olde. So to see people do tributes of those doing covers is...just stupid. I think more people would prefer a tribute to The Bootleg Beatles, since they're relatively well known.


The new RHCP album is...alright. A tad mellow for my liking, barely funky enough. Only on par with Californication. At least they'll knock Oasis off the top of the album chart, if only to dampen the ego of that wanker Liam Gallagher. Hey, Anthony Kleidis(lead singer of RHCP) voted him 'wanker of the year' for the past 9 years.

07 July 2002


Aaaah!! My leg is killing me! It is the greatest disadvantage of having leg muscles which are powerful - easily damaged. I woke up, and I managed to twist my lower left leg muscle really badly, causing extreme pain. As it's happened before, I should see a doctor about it...but I already have too much wrong with me. I would tell my mum, but she would hate to have another child with medical problems - already do my younger twin siblings and my own twin have problems. I don't want to keep quiet, this is for the sake of 'mother'. Now that's a dilemma. Tomorrow, I will be looking up, though, for the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album arrives in our shops(a day before the USA - hoorah). I've already got a few of the other albums; this one had better match BloodSugarSexMagik in terms of funk.

06 July 2002

My eyes are a-hurtin'

Before Sy does the damage, 'twill be committed by mineself. I derailed a train on one of the rides today. That's right; snigger all you can. It was pretty funny, even the maintenance guys thought so. A relatively lazy day, even though I managed to clock in over 800 children. Well, I must rest.

The end of the fend

There's something so irritating about my job. What is it? The children? No. The even more irritating dumb parents of these children? No. The long hours which start at late morn? Yes! For some odd reason, I would prefer to be starting my job at 7AM, mainly because I'm an early riser and mainly because I like to get things done and dusted, out of the way, et cetera. And so I hear that Ray may be joining my older brother, Graeme, working at some factory from 8AM to 5PM, Mon-Fri, for £4.50 an hour, which equates to £202-ish, ignoring tax. I should have got that job, whatever it actually is. Never mind, eh. I also found out that Friday 12/07 is Orangeman's Lodge day. Since everybody will try to get the day off, I use the old 'I'm a Catholic and I detest the Orangeman marches' which is very true, since I'm more for the IRA(not the Real IRA, obviously).

04 July 2002


Man, I think I'm working too much; especially since I haven't had a job for the most of my two years at KGV. Life seems to be moving very fast at the moment, which is why 'twas suitable to spend today lazing and playing console games. And listening to DJ Shadow's latest album, 'The Private Press'. Of all things interesting, Police came around - some stupid goddamn scallies came around during Wednesday morn(around 2:30AM) and stole my sister's bisexualcycle right from our garage. These police guys were checking fingerprints left on the garage door. These fools will pay, if only for the fact that I HATE THEIR GODDAMN EXISTENCE and I'm hankering to 'hand out some justice'. Grrr.


It's always annoying for people to say the most obvious thing in the certain situation. When I was operating the kiddie Ferris Wheel(not recently, thank the Lord), about 70% of the parents said "I'll get you at the end of the day!" partnered with a sniggering. Sorry, but I wish they could come up with SOMETHING original. The same can be said about people travelling to San Hose, by going up to people in airports and saying(get this):"Can you show me the way to San Hose?"; people need to be considerate!! Gaaaaah.

03 July 2002

What's learnt in work

Well, I don't really think it's true, but I've realised it: young children think I'm scary. Many of them cower when I merely walk near them(I would use 'approach', but given the connotations involved with rape and such, no), grasping the hand of their mother or father. Scary?!? Hell, there's scarier. There's a guy who is hideously ugly, dresses like a tramp, doesn't smile, wears a cap like a trendy(the ol' 45 degree angle) and speaks in some sort of foreign tongue(well actually, it's a terrible mutated scouse accent that's extremely difficult to understand). HE is scary. Maybe I should cut my hair. I also learned that, genuinely, the newspaper 'The Sun' is the worst read there is. It's biased, unintelligent, slow and has irrelevant stories. Call me pedantic, but I would prefer to have a good read of 'The Guardian'.

Alright girls, break it up

What has only dawned upon me recently is the food of University. There is no way that I will survive these years by mere trips to the local chip shop, or even the local restaurant - I may have to take some of those lessons from...television! Yes, this includes from people like Jamie Oliver and the rest of those ugly fools from BBC. Or maybe, I must have to like chip shop chips all over again. Fat Chance; they taste like crap.

02 July 2002

Six-pack of champagne and a funnel are going to betray me tomorrow...gah hahahaha!

Within a week, I've managed to blow £100. That's a lot for me, considering I haven't been paid by Pleasureland for three weeks(again). Well, of the things I have blown my money on, today, I bought Toy Commander, Vib Ribbon and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. Again. Vib Ribbon is quite a joy, although it is turned incredibly hard when playing 'Digimortal' by Fear Factory. Quite a joke difficult, really. I haven't lost my touch on the skating game, I'm getting back into it(I messed up a string of tricks totalling over 220,000 - d'oh). And as for Toy Commander? Another reason for multiplayer malarkies on the Dreamcast. Well, Toy Racer wasn't to last forever...

01 July 2002

Nice to see you, to see you in hell

It's a fine thing to meet pleasant people on the spur of the moment. For instance, waiting for a train to Liverpool from Manchester Picadilly, Ray and I constantly checked the trains outside, as well as two other nice girls(and when I say 'nice girls', I mean that they were about my age, not 12 year-olds). Brief usage of some spoken and body language ensured some good moods(although that's about as far as it goes; I didn't pick up names or anything). Or going to the Krazyhouse, the train stops - two others of the opposite sex were also going to the night club when the train, full of screaming children, was to stop for an hour later. A taxi ride to the K got us knowing these ladies a little better. Aw.

Missing in Bed

Buh. For three days in a row, I've been given early finishing times from work. Two of those days are because my wages were being messed around with, and today because I suspect that they enjoy giving me less pay. Well, today we were really being paid to socialise, as I had one person go on my ride(impressive). I'm not sure if my trip to London may be sabotaged...but for one last family holiday with all seven members, it should be worth it.