Your Face

31 January 2002

Cheesy, nu-breeders; nowt wrong wit' them

I don't know abuot my standards, but I'm finding the song 'Get Naked' really catchy(performed by Methods of Mayhem featuring Fred Durst, l'il Kim, Mixmaster Mike and some other persons). Yes, I don't care what people say about it being cheap 'n' all that crap, but it's a fine, dirty song.

#Get, get naked!#

30 January 2002

Imagine England times two

Well, with the 'amazing' lack of people in the Communications resit on Tuesday(4 out of 6, not bad), imagine my glee when I walk over to the paper and read 'Television Violence'. Hee hee. Well, I ended up making the point that it's the parents fault for kids being influenced by violence. I was probably wrong, since that was a smart answer, not one that the people would've expected. I bet. Well, I could've had it explained to me in General Studies, which for some reason I have attended all the lessons of(bar one). I'd better get a good grade in that lesson...

29 January 2002

Flying Kick

Man, I need to take my idea to a height! Well, not my idea, but it's wrong regardless. Get into contact with some Australian 'site, find out storyline for Neighbours or Home & Away, place bet of prediction of storyline, bingo! That's one richer person. Of course, do not give ludicrous amounts of the story away, otherwise suspicions will arise. Now, if only I was 18 and didn't have a conscience...

27 January 2002

It needs to be damned

That's it. Japan has taken over. It seems that half the kids now just like japanese animation, shunning what we make in the western world. By no means Anime/Manga animations are bad, but I feel they're recieving far too much praise for what they're worth. The style is quite common, so other styles get shunned - the genuinely original stuff. I'm only very concerned about the future of other animations, because there may be no elitist market for them. Apart from me.

I salute you, Mackinnon & Saunders


For another boring Sunday, I actually faced a first when I don't have any homework for the following week. After coming home from college on Friday COMPLETELY DRENCHED, I just had to get everything wet. Oh well. Another day? Yeah, dullin'. Man, could this day get duller.

26 January 2002


Well, after some lengthy games conversation with the shop assistant at Chipshop, I managed to get a copy of Klonoa 2 after swapping the bland Rayman M and £5. The game is so nice! Not so much original, a bit slow, but it's a nice 'cute' game that I wouldn't let any anger out to. For some reason, I also got a free t-shirt, regardless of the copy being second hand. I managed to play on DOA3 as well - a good helping of eye candy. Doesn't change the game style in any way, just new moves and new graphical enhancements.

I also had the option of getting Psyence Fiction by Unkle, but I should be saving some money. It's an amazing album, but do I have any more money? Those AS-level resits don't pay for themselves, you know! I should be into a job, but I just can't be bothered. Melt me.

25 January 2002

The future, apparently

All possible in THAT space

Yes, it's another odd thing that them big wigs thought up in five minutes. It's 60 quid, and it really is questionable, especially when there is no specific game designed for it. Unless it's 'Simpson's Wrestling'. Of course, the whole questionable thing is that it looks like some sort of altered dance mat, which is a nice consumer rip-off. Pfff.

24 January 2002

Erk, another post of randominity

Fry was right. TV is far too predictable now. There is probably a website with all cliches, but I cannot be bothered finding any site related. It's just that I'm getting constantly frustrated that when somebody mentions a name that hasn't been heard for a while, something WILL happen. Heckles, I don't think that I should be watching TV at a time like this one. They cancelled our inset day! I'm just truly infuriated now. I should learn Karate.

23 January 2002

Those passport photos in full

Go on...make a funny remark.

Well, I know it's a good waste of time, but I just had to. Mainly because I finally got my cheaper(not necessarily cheap, it's British prices) bus pass taken off me. One month out of date and I managed to get away with it. Nearly. I'm cycling now.

21 January 2002

Wait, New Musical Express - I'm confused!

After finding what seemed like a faulty review of NIN's 'The Fragile', I find, on the same website, a review for 'Things falling Apart'(the remix CD). This received an ultimately impressive 10/10, claiming it's their best work. I'm sure it's 'cause Aphex Twin is on it. 'Nu Musical Express' more like it.

Q:How many elephants can you fit in a Mini?
A:Two in the back, two in the front.

Q:How do you know if elephants have broken in?
A:There's a Mini parked outside.


20 January 2002


Eee, hee hee. It was revealed that there was an error with a Maths Paper - unfortunately, it wasn't on an OCR paper, it was edexcel. However, I do believe that the very last question was unanswerable, as several of my collegues said afterwards. To inform, the question:
Abigail(or some other name beginning with 'A') throws a dice 3 times. He notes down the amount of times he got a '6'.
Bernadette('B') tosses a fair coin until it lands on heads.

Now, after writing down what distibutions they are, you must find out when the probability of 'the dice throwing' is equal to 'the coin tossing'. Basically, find when A=B. Which cannot be done, surely. Grr.

Screw you, 'New' Musical Express

A recent venture to the seriously (now) poor NME tells me that NIN's the Fragile is only worth 5/10. What a bunch of absolute wankers.

Unlike Andrew W.K., I get wet

My Dreamcast is walking on it's last legs for certain now. It recently just did the 'auto-reset' thing when I was playing PSO. You git! I can't believe it! Now I need a job fer sure. Aside from that, I found more cool things on the SFA DVD Album - there's a really cool tune played on the 'track info' section, as well as the 'disc info'. Trade Winds has such a great song & video.

But alas! I must get certain games for when they come out. I seriously want Klonoa 2, as it's one game that's apparently fantastic that nobody bought. Or the trippy-trancey graphical amazement that is Rez. Tough? Wait 'til March!

19 January 2002

'You can do it Ozzy!'

Man! Ozzy Osbourne must be the most popular of popular people. First, he makes many-a-cameo in films like 'Little Nicky', then (I think) he gets his own film, there's going to be a game called 'Ozzy's Dark Skies' coming out soon, and now - he's got(along with his family) his own sitcom! Flippin' bat eater. It pays to be a man from Birmingham.

Chew, chew

There is no way to work out the probability that A=B; at least according to the people I spoke to after the Maths exam. Of course, it didn't help that I couldn't get the theme to 'Inspector Gadget' out of my head, but it's sooo great! Giggle! Like a girl!

16 January 2002


Some website, claims that seeing a twin in my dream is some stupid metaphor(just like everything else on the description part). No! It's my actual twin, you idiots. Friggin' cheese.

15 January 2002

In the groove again...

You are one morose motherfucker. Everytime something goes the way you want it to in life, as soon as it is at its peak, it always comes crashing down to hit you in the face. That factors in with your almost always unreachable goals, and that you always manage to say the wrong things at the wrong time. If you just get a haircut and quit trying to make the impossible happen, you're going to be much better off.

Take The "Which Kevin Smith Male Are You?" Quiz!!

Take the Which Radiohead Album are you? Quiz.

There. Thanks Jim.

Ho ho all round

Man, the General Studies exam was quite a hoot. It seems half the people in the year don't know what a 'nuclear family' is. The question involved comparing today's family to a nuclear one - I couldn't do this without thinking of 'Pleasantville', especially the black and white part. I also kept thinking of a family that comstantly lives in a nuclear shelter. Guh.

Unfortunetely, I couldn't answer the question of advertisement without mentioning the uber-hilarious Pot Noodle ad(the parody of West Side Story). Plus, in a question about prejudice, one of my associates pointed his argument towards saying the bin Laden may be fighting for a good reason after all. Great!

14 January 2002


PSO could be one for me...unfortunately, the bastards of BT are still charging extortionate amounts for the internet, regardless of paying for Freeserve Hometime. Looks like online adventures on the Dreamcast may be distant for a while...

An absolute refuse to use 'internet language'

Ok, ok, ok, get this: George 'Dubya' Bush chokes on a pretzel, and passes out. For Bush - 'Your Face!' should be emblazoned all over Americaland. Of course, it's time to point out that tasty snack-treat things have come closer to killing the American president than Islam - now that's something. I want to see Shooting Stars.

13 January 2002

Another year

Although Dark Syphid has a result for a videogame test, but I won't do it, merely because internet tests are...oh, who am I kidding. I was described as some character/thing that I didn't know. No result.


Well, I saw the episode of Futurama with the 'What if' machine. I commend Channel 4 for only cutting one part - when Leela turns off the light in the bedroom with Fry, Fry squeals and says "I really like it"(regarding 'the new Leela'). "I wanna know what would happen if Bender was really big".

12 January 2002

OK. Fingers on the buzzers, your starter for ten

It turns out that the cartoon of the morn is called 'Strange Dawn' and I've already missed an episode. So that's why it made no sense. I was also flicking through some old Super Play issue of January 1995, with the 'Anime World' section entitled 'Things to come'. It says 'apparently, Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon is going to be translated for the US; if it goes down a success, we may see 'Sakura Wars' as well'. 'Where is it?' I moan. Oh, you can't have everything; we got Cardcaptors:Sakura, so I shouldn't whinge.

Spreading jam

After the morning dose of 'The Powerpuff Girls', I continued to watch Saturday Morning cartoons on the same channel. Out of the blue appears...a new cartoon!! One with progressive storyline and everything, some anime that I forget the name of(has the word 'Dark' in it). I'm not used to animes being dubbed professionally - that is, ones that are dubbed to sound realistic(not making everybody say things without breaths or pauses or anything). It's also dubbed by some Australian/English voice actors(I can't tell), which sounds a little daunting at first. It was quite weird, but it was alright.

Meanwhile, Channel 4 continue to have really bad relationships with Sky ever since they paid £100 million for the rights to Friends, severing links with WWF broadcasting, cutting programmes like Angel and Smallville and sticking cartoons like 'Family Guy'(12:50pm today), 'King of the Hill'(about 4AM, Saturday morn) and 'Futurama'(about 1PM Sunday) on at terrible times. I once liked Channel 4.

10 January 2002

Choose your poison

If in town, I must sometimes choose the cereal as we usually got none in the house. Choose from
-The pack of Frosties with 50% extra free, coming to 750g at £1.89
-The pack of Frosties weighing 750g(nothing free) at £2.25 or
-The pack of Cinnamon Grahams, with free Camera.

You can't eat the camera(disposable variety). Ah, I'll let someone else do it.

Sulking Stevens

Did Maths exam. I had plenty of concern with it, although I did probably beat the 75% target grade that I set. It was messy as hell, I did the graph sketches on the exam paper rather than graph paper and half the answers were combined to make one big messy answer. But the stuff was there. I'm also redoing a Maths Stats exam, which I thought I believed I could actually beat 75% I already have; not the brightest of ideas.

09 January 2002

#Christian! Christian! At last - you're on your oooooowwwwnn!#

Am I being an idiot, or do I like company? Tomorrow, I face my first resit in the form of Pure Maths 1(apparently, maths is one of those things that can come naturally to someone - someone like me). I finish at 10:20AM. Do I: go home, revise for next exam, which is the stupidly thought out type of maths in the form Discrete Maths, or go to Psychology, half an hour after the lesson? I think I'll go.

07 January 2002

Well done! It's a...gnat?!?

So much for 'missing' then. David Manning(or 'Ghandi', whatever you want to call 'im) was on the front of local 'paper Southport Visiter as 'missing'. Guess what? Of the many stories I've heard, he just went away after leaving his house a right mess from some Christmas party. He turned up at college this morning alive and well. And probably got a right earful from his parents. So much for that, then.

06 January 2002

I don't know where Chinatown may be

Guess who got their scanner working again? Looks like stupid little brothers should know better than when to tamper with stuff like printers and scanners. I will be able to scan stuff again(if I need to)! But first, essays, and a load of annoying Maths papers.

05 January 2002

Be careful what you wear. It might come true(?)

Being the final day of my older brother staying, he was wearing some T-shirt with a pretty anime girl face with some Japanese slogan. "What does it mean?" I asked. "Your nice face." he said. Apparently, some Japanese girl on the street stopped him and said that. But be warned! This girl also saw another t-shirt with a slogan in Japanese on it. That one said 'Suck my cock'.

Plus, I've been stopped by many in various wanders about my Transformers T-shirt wondering where to get one. Yeah, man. I know I'm in the zone.

Grrrrrreat! I couldn't find the Frosties

Well, since it's now cool to like Anime/Manga/Everything Japanese, I must wonder - are they sick of that Japanimation style in Japan? I mean, if they watched something great from another country (i.e X-Men or Captain Star), would they go all crazy for our stuff? Even if it did look simple, it could make a change. Well, I do like Japanimation but I don't want it to rule the television/comic world; I'd rather some sort of mix of all the stuff from Hotreels, as there's a great mixture of nice. Damnit! Looks like we have Sugar Puffs AGAIN. I hate Sugar Puffs.

04 January 2002

Last laugh

Oh ho! I watched with glee as some thought of mine was strangely used on some remote control ad. Recently I had been debating with this guy about changing the slogan 'It's so easy, even a child could use it' to 'It's so easy, even old people can use it'. 1 month later, cheesy advert for 'easy to program VCR remote thing' comes on, with slogan 'It's so easy, even your grandmother could use it'. I don't know if I've been spied on, but I like!

The end is the beginning is the end

Boxing will eventually be banned. Not for violence reasons, but for the fact about the intelligence of boxers. Ok, so they may be renowned to have little intelligence, but they know where to strike an opponent. Y'see, in the old days (last century) boxing fights could go over 15 rounds of brutality. Now, they manage to get about 5 in at best. The boxers know the weak points and will strike them. Soon, they'll know the exact weak points (i.e behind the ear, base of spine etc.) and the fights will consist of 'first to connect a punch'. For $80 million. For the loser.

You put the cereal in, THEN the milk

Your hero, and mine

I wondered if I should ever enter Big Brother. Y'see, I hate the damn thing. But people watch it. People watch other people watching... the wall. Shirley Manson is right; it's a load of old crap. If I entered, I would be able to break the law that whenever people have conversations sitting down, they must be watching the wall. After the conversation, I would plan to scream "Aaaaagh!" in a low voice, run into the wall and fall over. Because I'd make a difference, everyone else would be crap, thus killing the show, OR they would purposely become good, to equal my greatness. The end. I'm not 18, though.

03 January 2002

#Run, Christian, Run#

I need to plan something soon. I feel empty. I'm always the one who takes, doesn't give(yes, I give presents at birthdays but that's it). Paintballing? Cinemera? A hijack? But then, a lack of money never helps. I want some voices in my head; just like the ones off the screaming man advert. Now that's just genius.

The wish list: what to get rid of/ continue not to be affiliated with
Beauty and the Beast as I haven't seen it yet Royalty The Trend Broken Felt Tip Pens Christ the King Secondary School Whiney indie bands The entire South of England Super Deformed Anime Arthur the second most popular Aardvark Drugs Any Real-Time Strategies A job Jokes which don't offend anyone Christmas Songs War Peace Peas Vegetables Nouveau Cuisine Coffee(?) 'Limited Edition' Nu-Metal Happy Hardcore Society Cheap Offers that actually cost more than normal Gimps who charge more 'because of the occasion' A Pet Blacks, the outdoor shop


Celebrate Marmite's 100th year with someone who likes that crap*!

I recently realised: how much great music am I missing? I mean, there are that many albums 'n' such I want to buy, but just don't get around to it. I thought I was overwhelmed with what I should get until... I now want to listen to Japanese music! And Chinese! And every nation with (apparently) respectable music!

* - you either love it, or you hate it. No, you hate it! Ah screw the whole Marmite business.

'I know. He likes video games. He likes movies. I'll get him Tomb Raider.'

I keep thinking WHY to me getting up so early. I have revision to be doing. But now I need to have a new template, as my current one is 'just dull'. No real usage of any computing skills (mainly as I preferred to forget them).Of course, I could be playing Pro Evolution Soccer... but then I wouldn't be revising. Talk about contradictions? I still need inspiration!

02 January 2002

Mold is a town in Wales. What a funny name

As I write this, I think about multiplayer madness. Wrestling games. Footie games. Bishi Bashi. Smash Brothers. And everything else without serious tones to it. The only problem? You need pads!

Anyway, I'm getting too confused about the actual point of games today. Are they merely to have fun? Not in the case of Shenmue - there are many 'unfun' parts, but if you think walking around towns means fun, then I suggest you get a bus. But, when putting games like Outrun in the fun factor returns. I should think before writing such daft posts. And I won't delete it.

01 January 2002

It wasn't

So much for New Year's Eve. Ray and I spent the night watching Pleasantville in a very cold house (I still can't feel my toes, and yes, I do have arms), other twins spent night watching crap at grandparents as younger cousin got his way with the TV, older brother spent his night in hospital with his mate's brother (who'd just been involved in an accident) as well as some nightclub, whilst parents were bored to death by some couple watching Eastenders. Man, was it cold! But that film was good. Just like 'The Truman Show'.

Happy new year!

Didn't go out tonight? You betcha! So, as I write this, the fireworks explode in Britain. Apart from those of a grumpy mood. Just another day? Yes