Best Games EVER
I'm pretty useless at doing these cartoon guides. Maybe because I have little access to cartoons, or
solid_ichelma does it better than I. So, now I will do games. Today: Yoshi's Island on the SNES.
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's (Yo-shee) Island was released way back in 1995, as an official sequel to Super Mario World, a spectacular Super Mario IV. This is some sort of a sequel, where you control Yoshi (in a variety of 8 colours) with a baby Mario on your back. If you got hit, you had to retrieve the Mario within a time limit of 10-30 seconds. If you failed to retrieve Mario, who floats in a bubble, he will then be taken away by some red coated guys. Simple.
Of course, that wasn't it. The game is a very big one, involving collection of red coins (they were suppose to be hidden amongst yellow coins, but by turning up the brightness it was easily distinguishable), keeping Mario's timer for retrieval at 30 seconds and getting 5 sunflowers in order to 100% levels. That was a very tough challenge. The game's levels are very large and there are 48 of 'em. Very worthy of £45 (in Woolworths vouchers, mind you). 'Twas a cold night in February, but it was worth the wait.
The cartoon graphics aside, the game was a barrel o' fun. It easily ranks in the best games ever. 60 funs per second every day. That is, until you complete the game 100% - no goddamn rewards!