Rather than put pictures up that don't work, I'll just write stuff. Yes, it's a royal rip-off off solid_ichelma's thing, but there are so many cartoons he couldn't possibly do 'em all. This day: Samurai Pizza Cats.
I never actually realised it was a parody on the Turtles, but it still rocked arse. In the days when ITV was a good channel, it showed this anime mid-Sunday, as far as I can remember. Like Hong Kong Phooey, they had crappy day jobs to cover up their real guises. I find that there were 3 cats. There was also another team, a rescue squad; they are General Catton, Bat Cat, Spritz and Meowzma, respectively representing Fire, Air, Water and Earth. When evil actually arose, they got shot out of a cannon.
The Main characters in it were Polly Ester (snigger), Speedy Cerviche and Guido Anchovies, whom was my fave. Francine worked in the restaurant with them and announced the missions to be overcome. Enemies included Ninja Crows, who were the common enemy for our heroes. Also a trio. They are rivals, were each crow is a rival of each cat. Isn't that surprising?
I tell ya, if you're a super-hero always get a day-job. At least they've got the finances sorted. How did the Turtles survive? Anyway, I award this fine cartoon a 9/10.
Here's the lyrics for the title:
Would somebody please cue that bird?
Samurai Pizza Cats...
Oooh yeah!
Who do you call when you want some pepperoni?
Samurai Pizza Cats...
[Speedy Cerviche: Right on!]
They're stepping out crime, and you know that ain't balony
There's Speedy Cerviche,
he's the leader of the bunch
[That's right!]
A heck of a fighter
makes a heck of a lunch.
And little Polly Esther
who's never afraid
[Polly Esther: That's me!]
of going into battle
when the bad guys invade.
Here's Guido Anchovis
a wild romantic rover.
This cat gets down down
with a love hangover
Here come the Pizza Cats.
They're so bad.
They've got more fur than any turtle ever had!
They're stronger than old cheese...
[Stronger than old cheese.]
Stronger than dirt...
[Stronger than dirt.]
Step on their tails...
[Get off my tail!]
And you're gonna get hurt...
[Don't hurt me!]
Samurai Pizza Cats...
They're fighting crime
All over town!
Four... Three... Two... One...
The Pizza Cats are on the run!
The Big Cheese is the villain,
who's lower than low.
It's a rotten shame
he lives in Little Tokyo.
We've got a nasty Bad Bird
and some nasty Ninja Crowes.
As soon as someone finds the script
we might begin the show.
Sit back and rest your feet
and turn the sound up high.
And if you want the full effects
go eat a pizza pie!
Thanks to the website samurai pizza cats, although it was last updated in 1995, so they won't really care about plagiarism. I hope.